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Find the table of contents for this documentation on GitHubopen in new window and navigate to the file you need to update.

Click on the edit pencil on the right side directly above the text to edit this file in our repository.

You can see a preview of your changes by clicking the Preview changes tab aside the Edit file tab.

If you are ready, fill in the Propose file change at the end of the webpage.

After that you have to compare your change branch to our master branch with a pull request. Here make a comment which issue you have fixed. (If you are working on one of our open issuesopen in new window please include the number.)

Markdown your documentation

To design your documentation see the syntax description at GitBook: in new window

Some quick Examples

# Main Headline
## Smaller Headlines
### Small Headlines
::: tabs
@tab:active First tab's title <!-- this tab is setactive -->

@tab Second tab's title

```<LANGUAGE> (for text highlighting)

For the documentation to work in both frameworks - Github and Vuepress - please use absolute path for Github internal documentation links (e.g. / over ../../README.mdetc.)

Screenshots or other Images
Hints for ToDos
{% hint style="info" %} TODO: XXX {% endhint %}

Host the Screenshots

Host on Ocelot-Social (GitHub) Repository

{% hint style="info" %} TODO: How to host on Ocelot-Social (GitHub) repository ... {% endhint %}

Quick Solution

To quickly host the screenshots go to:

https://imgur.comopen in new window.

There click the green button New post.

Drag the image into the appropriate area.

Right click on it and choose kind of Open link in new tab.

Copy the URL and paste it were you need it.

Screenshot Modification

Add an Arrow or some other Marking Stuff

In the Preview App

Got to: Menu + Tools (GER: Werkzeuge) + Annotate (GER: Anmerkungen) + etc.

Deploy this Documentation


# set configured Node version
nvm use

# install Vuepress
npm install

# run vuepress
npm run docs:dev