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Installation with Docker

Run the following command to install everything through docker.

The installation takes a bit longer on the first pass or on rebuild ...

# in main folder
$ docker-compose up
# or
# rebuild the containers for a cleanup
$ docker-compose up --build

Wait a little until your backend is up and running at http://localhost:4000/open in new window.

Installation without Docker

For the local installation you need a recent version of Nodeopen in new window (>= v16.19.0). We are using v19.4.0 and therefore we recommend to use the same version (seeopen in new window some known problems with more recent node versions). You can use the node version manageropen in new window nvm to switch between different local Node versions:

# install Node
$ cd backend
$ nvm install v19.4.0
$ nvm use v19.4.0

Install node dependencies with yarnopen in new window:

# in main folder
$ cd backend
$ yarn install
# or just
$ yarn
# or just later on to use version of ".nvmrc" file
$ nvm use && yarn

Copy Environment Variables:

# in backend/
$ cp .env.template .env

Configure the new file according to your needs and your local setup. Make sure a local Neo4Jopen in new window instance is up and running.

Start the backend for development with:

# in backend/
$ yarn run dev

or start the backend in production environment with:

# in backend/
$ yarn run start

For e-mail delivery, please configure at least SMTP_HOST and SMTP_PORT in your .env configuration file.

Your backend is up and running at http://localhost:4000/open in new window This will start the GraphQL service (by default on localhost:4000) where you can issue GraphQL requests or access GraphQL Playground in the browser. More details about our GraphQL playground and how to use it with can be found here.

GraphQL Playground

Database Indexes and Constraints

Database indexes and constraints need to be created and upgraded when the database and the backend are running:

# in main folder while docker-compose is running
$ docker exec backend yarn run db:migrate init

# only once: init admin user and create indexes and constraints in Neo4j database
# for development
$ docker compose exec backend yarn prod:migrate init
# in production mode use command
$ docker compose exec backend /bin/sh -c "yarn prod:migrate init"
# in main folder with docker compose running
$ docker exec backend yarn run db:migrate up

Seed Database

If you want your backend to return anything else than an empty response, you need to seed your database:


In another terminal run:

# in main folder while docker-compose is running
$ docker exec backend yarn run db:seed

To reset the database run:

# in main folder while docker-compose is running
$ docker exec backend yarn run db:reset
# you could also wipe out your neo4j database and delete all volumes with:
$ docker-compose down -v
# if container is not running, run this command to set up your database indexes and constraints
$ docker exec backend yarn run db:migrate init
# And then upgrade the indexes and const
$ docker exec backend yarn run db:migrate up

Data migrations

Although Neo4J is schema-less,you might find yourself in a situation in which you have to migrate your data e.g. because your data modeling has changed.


Generate a data migration file:

# in main folder while docker-compose is running
$ docker-compose exec backend yarn run db:migrate:create your_data_migration
# Edit the file in ./src/db/migrations/

To run the migration:

# in main folder while docker-compose is running
$ docker exec backend yarn run db:migrate up


Beware: We have no multiple database setup at the moment. We clean the database after each test, running the tests will wipe out all your data!


Run the unit tests:

# in main folder while docker-compose is running
$ docker exec backend yarn run test