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Network Specification

About 3 min

Network Specification is free and open-source social network code that connects information to action and promotes positive local and global change in all areas of life.

  • Social: Interact with other people not just by commenting their posts, but by providing Pro & Contra arguments, give a Versus or ask them by integrated Chat or Let's Talk
  • Knowledge: Read articles about interesting topics and find related posts in the More Info tab or by Filtering based on Categories and Tagging or by using the Fulltext Search.
  • Action: Don't just read about how to make the world a better place, but come into Action by following provided suggestions on the Action tab provided by other people or Organisations.


The following features will be implemented. This gets done in three steps:

  1. First we will implement a basic feature set and provide a test system to test the basic network functionality.
  2. In a second step we will make our prototype publicly available with an advanced feature set including the technology and organizational structure to drive a bigger public social network.
  3. In a third step all the remaining features will be implemented to build the full product.

The implemented features can be found hereopen in new window

User Account

  • Sign-up
  • Agree to Data Privacy Statement
  • Agree to Terms of Service
  • Login
  • Logoff
  • Change User Name
  • Change Email Address
  • Change Password
  • Delete Account
  • Download User's Content
  • GDPR-Information about stored Content
  • Choosing Interface Language (e.g. German / English / French)
  • Persistent Links

User Profile

  • Upload and Change Avatar
  • Upload and Change Profile Picture
  • Edit Social Media Accounts
  • Edit Locale information
  • Show and delete Bookmarks (later)
  • Show Posts of a specific User
  • Show Comments of a specific User


  • Show Link to own Profile
  • Show Friends Widget
  • Show Favorites Widget
  • Show Get Friends Widget
  • Show popular Hashtags Widget
  • Show Mini-Statistics Widget (all time)
  • Show Chatrooms Widget
  • Show List of Let's Talk requests with online status of requesting people


  • Creating Posts
  • Persistent Links
  • Upload Teaser Picture for Post
  • Upload additional Pictures
  • Editing Title and Content
  • Allow embedded Conten (Videos, Sound, ...)
  • Choosing a Category
  • Adding Tags
  • Choosing Language (e.g. German / English / French)
  • Choosing Visibility (Public / Friends / Private)
  • Shout Button for Posts
  • Bookmark Posts (later)
  • Optionally provide Let's Talk Feature
  • Optionally provide Commenting Feature


  • Creating Comments
  • Deleting Comments
  • Editing Comments
  • Upvote comments of others


  • User @-mentionings
  • Notify authors for comments
  • Administrative notifications to all users

Contribution List

  • Show Posts by Tiles
  • Show Posts as List
  • Filter by Category (Health and Wellbeing, Global Peace & Non-Violence, ...)
  • Filter by Mood (Funny, Happy, Surprised, Cry, Angry, ...)
  • Filter by Source (Connections, Following, Individuals, Non-Profits, ...)
  • Filter by Posts & Tools (Post, Events, CanDos, ...)
  • Filter by Format Type (Text, Pictures, Video, ...)
  • Extended Filter (Continent, Country, Language, ...)
  • Sort Posts by Date
  • Sort Posts by Shouts
  • Sort Posts by most Comments
  • Sort Posts by Emoji-Count (all Types)


  • Blacklist Users
  • Blacklist specific Terms
  • Blacklist Tags
  • Switch on/off Adult Content
  • Search for Categories
  • Search for Tags
  • Fulltext Search


  • Creating CanDos
  • Editing Title and Content
  • Choosing a Category
  • Adding Tags
  • Choosing Language (e.g. German / English / French)
  • Choosing Visibility (Public / Friends / Private)
  • Choosing Difficulty
  • Editing Why - why should you do this
  • Editing Usefulness - what is it good for

Versus (interaction on existing Post)

  • Create / edit / delete Versus


  • Create, edit and delete Jobs by an User
  • Handle Jobs as Part of Projects
  • Handle Jobs done by Organizations


  • Create, edit and delete Projects
  • Edit Title and Description for the Project
  • Set Project Type
  • Set and Edit Timeline for the Project
  • Add Media to the Project
  • Chat about the Project

Pro & Contra

  • Create Pro and Con (2-row)
  • Add Arguments on Pro or Con Side
  • Rate up Arguments
  • Add Tags
  • Attach Media


  • Create Votes (Surveys with two or more Choices)
  • Add Title and Description
  • Let Users vote
  • Add Tags


  • Create Bestlist
  • Create Votes (Surveys)
  • Add Title and Description
  • Add Tags
  • Let Users vote for Best Item
  • Set Settings (allow Uploads, allow Links, ...)


  • Create Events
  • Add Title and Description
  • Choose Date and Location
  • Add Tags

More Info

Shows automatically related information for existing post.

  • Show related Posts
  • Show Pros and Cons
  • Show Bestlist
  • Show Votes
  • Link to corresponding Chatroom

Take Action

Shows automatically related actions for existing post.

  • Show related Organisations
  • Show related CanDos
  • Show related Projects
  • Show related Jobs
  • Show related Events
  • Show Map

Badges System

  • Importing Badge Information (CSV)
  • Showing Badges
  • Badge Administration by Admins
  • Choosing Badges to display by User


  • Basic 1:1 Chat functionality

Let's Talk

  • Request Let's talk with Author of Post
  • Requestor can request private or public Let's Talk
  • Requestor can choose the Chat format (Video, Audio, Text)
  • Interact with interested People 1:1
  • Approve request from Requestor


  • Propose Organizations by users
  • Set Name and Details
  • Set Homepage
  • Set Region
  • Set Topic
  • Commit organizations by HC-Org-Team
  • Panel for Organisation Handling by themselfes
  • Choose/Mark Users as authorized to manage an Organization


  • Report Button for users for doubtful Content
  • Moderator Panel
  • List of reported Content (later replaced by User-Moderation)
  • Mark verified Users as Moderators
  • Show Posts to be moderated highlighted to User-Moderators
  • Statistics about kinds of reported Content by Time
  • Statistics about Decisions in Moderation


  • Provide Admin-Interface to send Users Invite Code
  • Static Pages for Data Privacy Statement ...
  • Create, edit and delete Announcements
  • Pin a post to inform users


  • Allow Users to invite others by Email
  • Allow Users to register with Invite Code
  • Double-opt-in by Email


  • Frontend UI
  • Backend Error Messages


  • Provide Server-Server ActivityPub-API
  • Provide User-Server Activitypub-API
  • Receiving public addressed Article and Note Objects
  • Receiving Like and Follow Activities
  • Receiving Undo and Delete Activities for Articles and Notes
  • Serving Webfinger records and Actor Objects
  • Serving Followers, Following and Outbox collections