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Kubernetes Backup Of Ocelot.Social

About 5 min

Kubernetes Backup Of Ocelot.Social

One of the most important tasks in managing a running ocelot.socialopen in new window network is backing up the data, e.g. the Neo4j database and the stored image files.

Manual Offline Backup

To prepare, kubectlopen in new window must be installed and ready to use so that you have access to Kubernetes on your server.

Check if the correct context is used by running the following commands:

# check context and set the correct one
$ kubectl config get-contexts
# if the wrong context is chosen use it
$ kubectl config use-context <your-context>
# if you like check additionally if all pods are running well
$ kubectl -n default get pods -o wide

The very first step is to put the website into maintenance mode.

Set Maintenance Mode

There are two ways to put the network into maintenance mode:

  • via Kubernetes Dashboard
  • via kubectl

Maintenance Mode Via Kubernetes Dashboard

In the Kubernetes Dashboard, you can select Ingresses from the left side menu under Service.

After that, in the list that appears, you will find the entry ingress-ocelot-webapp, which has three dots on the right, where you can click to edit the entry.

You can scroll to the end of the YAML file, where you will find one or more host entries under rules, one for each domain of the network.

In all entries, change the value of the serviceName entry from ocelot-webapp to ocelot-maintenance and the value of the servicePort entry from 3000 to 80.

First, check if your website is still online. After you click Update, the new settings will be applied and you will find your website in maintenance mode.

Maintenance Mode Via kubectl

To put the network into maintenance mode, run the following commands in the terminal:

# list ingresses
$ kubectl get ingress -n default
# edit ingress
$ kubectl -n default edit ingress ingress-ocelot-webapp

Change the content of the YAML file for all domains to:

    - host:
        - backend:
          # serviceName: ocelot-webapp
          # servicePort: 3000
          serviceName: ocelot-maintenance
          servicePort: 80

First, check if your website is still online. After you save the file, the new settings will be applied and you will find your website in maintenance mode.

Neo4j Database Offline Backup

Before we can back up the database, we need to put it into sleep mode.

Set Neo4j To Sleep Mode

Again there are two ways to put the network into sleep mode:

  • via Kubernetes Dashboard
  • via kubectl
Sleep Mode Via Kubernetes Dashboard

In the Kubernetes Dashboard, you can select Deployments from the left side menu under Workloads.

After that, in the list that appears, you will find the entry ocelot-neo4j, which has three dots on the right, where you can click to edit the entry.

Scroll to the end of the YAML file where you will find the spec.template.spec.containers entry. Here you can insert the command entry directly after imagePullPolicy in a new line.

          terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
          terminationMessagePolicy: File
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]

After clicking Update, the new settings will be applied and you should check in the Pods menu item on the left side if the ocelot-neo4j-<ID> pod restarts.

Sleep Mode Via kubectl

To put Neo4j into sleep mode, run the following commands in the terminal:

# list deployments
$ kubectl get deployments -n default
# edit deployment
$ kubectl -n default edit deployment ocelot-neo4j

Scroll to the spec.template.spec.containers entry. Here you can insert the command entry directly after imagePullPolicy in a new line.

          image: <network-DockerHub-name>/neo4j-community-branded:latest
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          command: ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]

After pressing enter, the new settings will be applied and you should check if the ocelot-neo4j-<ID> pod restarts. Use command:

# check if the old pod restarts
$ kubectl -n default get pods -o wide

Generate Offline Backup

The offline backup is generated via kubectl:

# check for the Neo4j pod
$ kubectl -n default get pods -o wide

# ls: see wish backup dumps are already there
$ kubectl -n default exec -it $(kubectl -n default get pods | grep ocelot-neo4j | awk '{ print $1 }') -- ls

# bash: enter bash of Neo4j
$ kubectl -n default exec -it $(kubectl -n default get pods | grep ocelot-neo4j | awk '{ print $1 }') -- bash
# generate Dump
neo4j% neo4j-admin dump --to=/var/lib/neo4j/$(date +%F)-neo4j-dump
# exit bash
neo4j% exit

# ls: see if the new backup dump is there
$ kubectl -n default exec -it $(kubectl -n default get pods | grep ocelot-neo4j | awk '{ print $1 }') -- ls

If you need a specific database name, add the option --database=<name> to the command neo4j-admin dump. To find out the default database name, see the Neo4j readmeopen in new window.

Lets copy the dump backup

# copy dump onto backup volume direct
$ kubectl cp default/$(kubectl -n default get pods | grep ocelot-neo4j |awk '{ print $1 }'):/var/lib/neo4j/$(date +%F)-neo4j-dump /Volumes/<volume-name>/$(date +%F)-neo4j-dump

Remove Sleep Mode From Neo4j

Again there are two ways to put the network into working mode:

  • via Kubernetes Dashboard
  • via kubectl
Remove Sleep Mode Via Kubernetes Dashboard

In the Kubernetes Dashboard, you can select Deployments from the left side menu under Workloads.

After that, in the list that appears, you will find the entry ocelot-neo4j, which has three dots on the right, where you can click to edit the entry.

Scroll to the spec.template.spec.containers.command entry and remove the whole command entry like:

        - name: container-ocelot-neo4j
          image: 'senderfm/neo4j-community-branded:latest'
            - tail
            - '-f'
            - /dev/null
            - containerPort: 7687
              protocol: TCP

And get:

        - name: container-ocelot-neo4j
          image: 'senderfm/neo4j-community-branded:latest'
            - containerPort: 7687
              protocol: TCP

After clicking Update, the new settings will be applied and you should check in the Pods menu item on the left side if the ocelot-neo4j-<ID> pod restarts.

Remove Sleep Mode Via kubectl

To put Neo4j into working mode, run the following commands in the terminal:

# list deployments
$ kubectl get deployments -n default
# edit deployment
$ kubectl -n default edit deployment ocelot-neo4j

Scroll to the spec.template.spec.containers.command entry and remove the whole command entry like:

      - command:
        - tail
        - -f
        - /dev/null
        - configMapRef:
            name: configmap-ocelot-neo4j

And get:

      - envFrom:
        - configMapRef:
            name: configmap-ocelot-neo4j

After pressing enter, the new settings will be applied and you should check if the ocelot-neo4j-<ID> pod restarts. Use command:

# check if the old pod restarts
$ kubectl -n default get pods -o wide

Backend Backup

To back up the images from the backend volume, run commands:

# ls: backend/public/uploads
$ kubectl -n default exec -it $(kubectl -n default get pods | grep ocelot-backend | awk '{ print $1 }') -- ls public/uploads

# copy all images from upload to backup volume direct
$ kubectl cp default/$(kubectl -n default get pods | grep ocelot-backend |awk '{ print $1 }'):/app/public/uploads /Volumes/<volume-name>/$(date +%F)-public-uploads

Remove Maintenance Mode

There are two ways to put the network into working mode:

  • via Kubernetes Dashboard
  • via kubectl

Remove Maintenance Mode Via Kubernetes Dashboard

In the Kubernetes Dashboard, you can select Ingresses from the left side menu under Service.

After that, in the list that appears, you will find the entry ingress-ocelot-webapp, which has three dots on the right, where you can click to edit the entry.

You can scroll to the end of the YAML file, where you will find one or more host entries under rules, one for each domain of the network.

In all entries, change the value of the serviceName entry from ocelot-maintenance to ocelot-webapp and the value of the servicePort entry from 80 to 3000.

First, check if your website is still in maintenance mode. After you click Update, the new settings will be applied and you will find your website online again.

Remove Maintenance Mode Via kubectl

To put the network into working mode, run the following commands in the terminal:

# list ingresses
$ kubectl get ingress -n default
# edit ingress
$ kubectl -n default edit ingress ingress-ocelot-webapp

Change the content of the YAML file for all domains to:

    - host:
        - backend:
          serviceName: ocelot-webapp
          servicePort: 3000
          # serviceName: ocelot-maintenance
          # servicePort: 80

First, check if your website is still in maintenance mode. After you save the file, the new settings will be applied and you will find your website online again.


# Dump: Create a Backup in Kubernetes: